Visio Divina

“Sacred Seeing”

As you linger with an image,

I pray your eyes will be opened to see the beauty

and the wonder of what is around and within you.

May you find encouragement for your journey to live in the beauty,

the adventure,

and the vast mysteries

of His tender and good heart.



Suggestions for Visio-Divina

Go Slow.

Begin spending a few moments with gratitude.


Close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths. Become aware of your body, feel your body relaxing, let go of the cares of the day, and release any tension you may be carrying. Take as long as you need.


“Open my eyes that I may see”


Spend a moment or two with your eyes closed. Breathe deeply.

When you are ready, open your eyes and SLOWLY scan the image as a whole. Go back and begin noticing details.

What do you see?

Do you see the light, darkness, shadows, textures, shapes, colors, a main subject, and maybe some not-so-obvious ones?

Are your eyes drawn to anything in particular?

Is something in the image capturing your attention?

Notice and be aware of any emotional or “sense responses” that you might be experiencing.

You may sense something about your circumstances or something about your identity in this image. You may receive something about God’s Heart towards you.


encountering His Presence. No pressure if you feel nothing is happening, the image has still left an imprint that you may be reminded of later.

Finish with Gratitude

Visit the image as often as you like. You may hear His Voice and His Whispers.

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